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1 December 2023 (by admin)

Nowadays children are getting access to devices at a younger age; and privacy, even for children, is seen by many as a right not a privilege. It’s the norm to download social media apps, Google anything whenever and wherever, watch videos on several platforms on any subject, and send photos via Snapchat/Whats app. With this new technology comes the ability for predators to find your children easily, and an enormous responsibility for parents. The question we are posing to parents is- Do we really think your child/ren are in a position to protect themselves at such an age? 

The internet can be a frightening place and you need to give your child/ren the tools to navigate it safely. Here are 3 simple steps to help to keep your child safe.

  1. Check your child’s devices. This includes reading texts and direct messages. All parents will need to make their own judgment of what is right for their child. Having open, two-way conversations about children’s online activity will help inform you to set the right frequency for your family.
  2. Download tracking software. Tracking apps allow for safe exploration with the notification to a parent when potentially dangerous activity is taking place. These apps will give parents peace of mind as you don’t always have the bandwidth to manage multiple devices daily.
  3. Communicate with your kids. Ask your child/ren who they are playing with or talking to online, and have them show you their favourite apps and games. If you take the time to show an interest, you will learn exactly what your child is doing online.
If you would like any further support around Online Safety please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Gornall