Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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Collective Worship

Our daily act of collective worship in school fulfils legal requirements and is planned to create a setting which encourages reflection and personal worship.

We have a weekly theme which is linked to learning in other areas of the curriculum and encourages children to relate Christian teaching to everyday life and learning in school.


  • Class worship is held on a Monday morning and class teachers share this worship time with their own children focusing on the Picture News question of the week.                                                                                                                 
  • Whole school worship takes place on a Tuesday morning with the Headteacher, Wednesday morning with the Deputy Headteacher and a Thursday afternoon with the RE Co-ordinator
  • Our Well-being and Values worship takes place on a Friday afternoon with our Key Stage Managers.


On special occasions and at regular times during the year services take place at Christ Church when we invite our whole school community, children, staff, parents and governors to worship together.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any act of worship, although this would be unusual in a Church school such as ours.

School Worship for 2024-2025


Autumn 1: Our theme for this half term is: Relationships- Growing and developing together as a whole school community 

Worship Plans- Autumn Term 1 2024


Autumn 2: Our theme for this half term is: Courageous Advocacy- Being committed as a whole school to making the world a better and fairer place.

Worship Plans- Autumn Term 2 2024


Spring 1:  Our theme for this half term is: Epiphany and also the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus which can be found in John’s Gospel and how his example can continue to underpin the everyday life of our school.

Worship Plans- Spring Term 1 2025


Spring 2: Our theme for this half term is: Lent and ends with Easter. As we are in the Spring term, the focus is on the life and teaching of Jesus. Glimpsing images and ideas about the Kingdom of God through some of Jesus’ parables aims to deepen an understanding of how we can live our lives in ways which make a difference to ourselves and to those around us.

Worship Plans- Spring Term 2 2025


If you would like to know more about what is going on at our local church click on the link below:

Christ Church Pennington

Our Christmas Service in Church- December 2024

Our Harvest Service in Church- September 2024

Our Easter Service in Church- March 2024

Rev Jack’s Worship: Humility- March 2024

Rev Jack’s Worship: Epiphany - January 2024

Key Stage 2 Carol Service 2023

Key Stage 1 Nativity 2023- Everyone Loves a Baby

Harvest Service- Monday 16th October 2023

Key Stage 1 Nativity 2022- Baarmy Bethlehem

Harvest Service- Tuesday 18th October 2022

Rev Saunders' Leaving Service

We started this half term by saying goodbye to Rev Saunders. we wish him well in his new parish.

Our Easter Service in Church- Friday 1st April 2022

 After just over 2 years, it was lovely for the whole school to finally be back together for our Easter Service in church.

Our Virtual Christmas Service: Tuesday 15th December 2020

This year we had to hold our Christmas Service virtually over Teams with Rev Saunders and Adam leading from Church and us in school. Each class retold a part of the Christmas story and then Rev Saunders asked us to open a present that he had left for us at the office. As each class opened them Rev Saunders and Adam told us the significance of them.

Our Virtual Advent Service: Thursday 3rd December 2020

Our Virtual Remembrance Service: Friday 13th November 2020


Our Virtual Harvest Service: Friday 9th October 2020

We held our virtual Harvest Service over Teams and Rev Saunders talked about being thankful for the things we have and Adam told us the Parable of the Sower. Each class then shared some of their Harvest work and we finished with a prayer. Thank you to everyone that sent in donations for the Food Bank, this will be used to help many people in the local community.


Our First Virtual Worship on Teams: Friday 25th September 2020 

Key Stage 2 Worship: Children's Mental Health Week- Find Your Brave.  Wednesday 5th February 2020


Whole School Worship: AYF Ugandan Band- Wednesday 15th January 2020


Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert- Thursday 19th December 2019


Key Stage 2 Worship: Jesus Light of the World- Wednesday 4th December 2019


Advent Worship- Tuesday 3rd December 2019


Key Stage 2 Worship: Kindness- Wednesday 13th November 2019


Our Remembrance Day Service- Friday 8th November 2019

We had a wonderful service in church for our Remembrance Day Service on Friday 8th November.  Children from every class were involved, reading out work they had done based on the book ‘Where the Poppies Now Grow’.  The Ethos group prepared poems and prayers.  The singing was beautiful and the children made us really proud.  The Signalong group led by Mrs Jones did an amazing job learning how to sign to the song ‘One More Light’. 

Also, a big thank-you to all the parents/carers who were able to attend the service.


Key Stage 2 Worship: Remembrance Week- Wednesday 6th November 2019

Celebrating 150 Years, Harvest and remembering a very special person.

On Sunday 6th October we held a very special service at Church to celebrate 150th Years of our school, our Harvest festival and we also planted a tree in the Garden of Remembrance for Mrs Larner, one of our Teaching Assistants who recently passed away after a short illness. We led the service alongside Rev Saunders and Wiremu which included lots of Harvest songs and conker prayers.  It was lovely to see so many children and parents attend this event and come together not only as a school, but as part of our wider school community.


Key Stage 2 Worship: Making Choices- Wednesday 9th October 2019


Worship on ‘Hospitality’- Tuesday 17th September 2019

On Tuesday 17th September, Reverend Saunders and the PAIS team came into school to lead our whole school worship. The theme for the worship was ‘Make the most of what you have got’ and involved Reverend Saunders creating a trumpet out of a hose and a funnel because he had forgotten his trumpet. He also used the Bible story ‘The Feeding of the 5000’ to demonstrate the Christian value of ‘Hospitality.’

Click on bottom right hand corner to make image larger before viewing.


Year 6 Leavers Service at Manchester Cathedral- Friday 21st June 2019

We could have burst with pride taking Year 6 to the cathedral this morning. The service was about John’s gospel and Life in all its fullness and the Christian values of forgiveness, hope and friendship. Christ Church singing was evident once again; in fact the bishop even turned round to smile at our harmony. A huge thank you to Mrs Loughney who prepared the children so well for the singing.



Worship on 'Community' - Wednesday 22nd May 2019

On Wednesday 22nd May, Reverend Saunders and Wiremu came into school to lead a very interesting whole school worship on Community. The children thought about the fact that the church is not about the building, it's about the people and that we can achieve a lot by working together.

Click on bottom right hand corner to make image larger before viewing. 

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Our Easter Service in Church- Friday 5th April 2019

On Friday 5th April, we held our annual Easter Service in Church. Each class helped to recount the key events of Holy week leading up to Easter day. The service began with our Reception children dressed as bunnies, singing the song 'Hot Cross Bunny'. Year 3 then retold the story of Palm Sunday using some videos that they had created with our Eggsplorer Eggs in their RE lessons.  Year 1 & 2 followed by retelling the story of Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper through role-play and then Year 4 followed with Judas' betrayal, reading out some diary entries they had written. Year 5 and 6 then read some very emotive pieces of writing that they had written around the events of Good Friday and finally our Ethos Group finished off with their play called 'The Time Machine' which focused on the events of Easter Sunday. The service was delivered completely by the children and supported by Wiremu and the PAIS team who have been coming into school weekly to work with our Ethos Group. The atmosphere in church was very special and at times extremely moving, especially when our Year 5 and 6 children sang the song "Blinded by your Grace.' 


Year 5 and 6 singing 'Blinded by your Grace'



Bible Eggsplorers Worship- Monday 25th March 2019

On Monday 25th March, we were delighted to welcome Sue and Cath from Bible Eggsplorers, who came to deliver Easter workshops to each class in school. They launched the day with a special 'Pass the egg' worship, which retold the Easter Story and helped the children to understand the significant events and the order in which they took place.                            



Our 150th Anniversary Service at Christ Church Pennington- Friday 11th January 2019



Key Stage 2 Carol Concert- Friday 21st December 2018

Well done to our KS2 children for finishing the term beautifully. The carol service was wonderful and the children did us proud. Many thanks for your generous donations in the collection at the end. We raised £126 for the burns unit at Wythenshawe hospital – a cause very close to a KS2 family’s heart.     



Ethos Group Christmas Worship: The Modern Day Nativity- Thursday 20th December 2018



Key Stage 1 Nativity: The Inn-spectors- Thursday 13th December 2018.

It was wonderful to watch the Infant nativity in church this year The children were fantastic in both of the performances. It was also great to see so many parents/carers and grandparents in the church. I am sure you were all so proud! All the hard work definitely paid off.



Our Advent Worship in school- Friday 30th November 2018

On Friday 30th November we had a very special worship to introduce Advent. Rev. Saunders told the children about the history of Christmas and read the bible story about Elizabeth and Zechariah (Luke 1:5-25)  Adam explained to the children about the advent candles, why they are all different colours and what each one represents. It was a wonderful start to this exciting time of year and gave us the opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.



Remembrance Day 2018- 100th Anniversary

This year's Armistice Day marked the 100th anniversary since the end of World War One, quite a poignant and significant event for all regardless of age, so as a school we wanted to take part in a community project which would involve all the residents of Leigh and our amazing children, as it's them that will continue the stories moving forward. Every child in school made a plastic bottle poppy, which was then used to create a sea of poppies in the Wilkinson Memorial Garden.


Ugandan Band Visit- Wednesday 31st October 2018

There was a great atmosphere in school when the AYF Band of Uganda came to join us during our worship time on their recent visit to the UK. There was lots of singing, dancing and drumming, instruments, laughter and some great questions and discussions.

Our Harvest Service in Church- Friday 5th October 2018

On Friday 5th October, we had an amazing Harvest Service in church. It was lovely to see, so many people filling the building. A big thank-you to all of the children, parents and carers for the gifts of food and money that you donated. We are sure the foodbank will really appreciate it.

Our Easter Service in Church- Thursday 29th March 2018

On Thursday 29th March, we held our annual Easter Service in Church. Each class helped to recount the key events of Holy week leading up to Easter day. The service began with our Key Stage 1 children retelling the story of Palm Sunday, Year 4 then retold the story of Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper, Year 5 and 6 then read some very emotive pieces of writing that they had written around the events of Good Friday and then Year 3 finished off with their Easter Sunday acrostic poems. The service was completely delivered by the children and supported by the PAIS team who have been coming into school weekly to work with our Year 3 children. The atmosphere in church was lovely and at times extremely moving. Everyone went home with a smile on their face when they were given colourful Jelly beans as they left church to help them to remember the significance of the different colours within the Easter story.

Mothering Sunday Worship- Friday 9th March 2018                                                        I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house on Friday morning when Year 6 and their Reception buddies performed a worship for their mums. They each explained why they loved their mum so clearly and bravely. Thank you to Mrs Baines and Mrs Hayden who prepared the refreshments for us afterwards. 

Thank you to everyone who came to came to our Special Mother’s Day assembly. For those of you that couldn’t make it here is what the children said about their Mums.

Thank you to everyone who came to came to our Special Mother’s Day assembly. For those of you that couldn’t make it here is the children singing their ‘Thank you’ song


On Thursday 1st February the children performed two wonderful iSingPOP concerts. They were absolutely amazing and we were so proud of them all. To see the whole school singing their hearts out in praise was very moving indeed and brought a tear to many eyes! An enormous thank you  to Jess Cook our iSingPOP tutor and to the PCC from Christ Church who provided half of the funding for the project. We can now add the new songs to our repertoire for worship and you can sing at home to our very own CDs. 

Rev Saunders' Old Testament Heroes Worship

On Wednesday 17th January 2018, Rev Saunders came into school to talk to the children about the Old Testament Hero, Moses. The children were all captivated as Rev Saunders dramatically told the story of Moses, from him being found in the bullrushes as a baby to becoming a great leader and setting his people free.



Remembrance Day 2017

Well done to all the children in KS2 who created the most beautiful poppy for Remembrance Day - it looked just amazing! A big thank you to Rev Saunders who made an impromptu visit, with his trumpet, to play the last post. It was a very moving mark of respect.



Our Harvest Service in Church- Wednesday 4th October

Thank you for all your Harvest contributions. We were staggered at your generosity and the Food Bank are so grateful for your donations.  Additionally we will be sending £70 out to Uganda to the AYF band who visited us in January to help them spread the word of God.  During our harvest service Reverend messaged members of the band and they sent a message of thanks to you all.