Religious Education
Our RE Curriculum is inspired by the NATRE Primary Curriculum, which has been cross referenced and adapted to ensure that it is fully compliant with the Manchester Agreed Syllabus, a collaboration between 5 Greater Manchester authorities and is supported by Manchester SACRE. This Agreed syllabus, and the NATRE planning, reinforces the importance of religious education as an academic discipline. It enables understanding of concepts and the development of skills and attitudes so that our pupils can explore wider issues of religion and belief in religiously literate ways.
The RE curriculum is delivered through discrete, weekly lessons, which each link to an over-arching, termly ‘Big Question’. These ‘Big Questions’ are then broken down into smaller, sub questions which are explored each week, engaging pupils in systematic enquiry of significant human questions which religion and worldviews address.
Children learn about religion with a focus on beliefs, teachings and sources, practices and ways of life and forms of expression. Pupils learn to communicate their knowledge and understanding using specialist vocabulary. The curriculum includes opportunities to identify and develop an understanding of ultimate questions and ethical issues. Children are also given the opportunity to develop their ability to reflect on, and respond to, their own experiences and learning about religion. It develops children's skills of application, interpretation and evaluation of what they learn about religion, particularly questions of identity and belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments, and communicating their responses.
The Christ Church C.E R.E.curriculum is designed to be representative of the local demographic, and accordingly provides opportunities to learn about not only the predominant Chrisitian beliefs practised in the region, but also other religions and worldviews, such as Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, which are represented in the wider community. Where appropriate, R.E. work is linked to other areas of the curriculum including, English, Science, Music and Art.
Resources are used to promote learning in creative, practical and imaginative ways. This supports the delivery of a creative and challenging curriculum, which builds on first-hand experience.
Our Religious Education curriculum is also drawn from:
- The Manchester Agreed Syllabus
- Understanding Christianity
Our Religious Education Curriculum is of a very high quality, well designed and is planned to encourage a journey of discovery. Children are encouraged to ask questions and discover more about themselves.
In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- An assessment at the end of every term against the planned RE outcomes;
- Celebration of learning in RE on Seesaw which demonstrate progression across the school;
- Pupil discussions about their learning;
- Ethos Council –fundraising and raising the school’s profile;
- Appropriate behaviour and responses during collective worship.
Through our teaching of RE, our children have a better understanding of a range of religions. Pupils can articulate their own thoughts about religion, belief and spirituality. They gain a deeper understanding of beliefs and practices which enable children to arrive at an informed and empathetic understanding of different groups which will help promote community cohesion and integration.
Enjoyment of the RE Curriculum taught promotes confidence, creativity and inquisitiveness in the children and an understanding of how their learning can help them in their own decision making and future.
RE in Year 6- Why do Hindus want to be good? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Year 5- Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing, English & Art)
RE in Year 4- What do Hindus believe God is like? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing, English & Art)
RE in Year 2- Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Part 1 (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Year 1- Who is Jewish and how do they live? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Reception- Being Special: Where do we belong? (Spring Term 1)
RE in Year 6- Why do Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: DT,English & Art)
RE in Year 5- What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today ? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Geography, English & Art)
RE in Year 4- For Christians, when Jesus left; What was the impact of Pentecost? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- What is the Trinity and why is it important for Christians? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: DT, English & Art)
RE in Year 2- What is the 'good news' that Christians believe Jesus brings? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Year 1- Why does Christmas matter to Christians? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Reception- Why do Christians perform Nativities at Christmas? (Autumn Term 2)
RE in Year 6- How do Christians live? What would Jesus do? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English & Computing)
RE in Year 5- What does it mean if Christians believe Gold is holy and loving? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English, Computing, PSHE & Music)
RE in Year 4- What kind of world did Jesus want? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- What is it like for someone to follow God? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Computing)
RE in Year 2- What is the ‘Good News’ that Christians believe Jesus brings? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Year 1- Who do Christians say made the world? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English, Art, DT & Geography)
RE in Reception- Why is the word God so important to Christians? (Autumn Term 1)
RE in Year 6- Why do some people believe in God and some not? How does faith help people when life gets hard? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 5- For many Christians how might following God bring freedom and justice? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values & English)
RE in Year 4- How & why do people mark the significant events in life? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- How and why do people try to make the world a better place? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values & PSHE & C)
RE in Year 2- What is the ‘good news’ that Christian’s believe Jesus brings ? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Year 1- How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, History & English)
RE in Reception- Which stories are special and why? (Summer Term 2)
RE in Year 6- Ascension & Pentecost (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Year 5- Why is the Torah so important to Jewish People? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Science & English)
RE in Year 4- What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- What is the Trinity and why is it important for Christians? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: DT & English)
RE in Year 2- What is the ‘good news’ that Christians believe Jesus brings? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Year 1- Who do Christians say made the world? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Science, Art & English)
RE in Reception- What places are special and why? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Expressive Arts and Design & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Easter: Who was Jesus? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 5- Why do Christians believe that Easter is a celebration of victory? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing, Art & English)
RE in Year 4- Exploring Easter as a story of betrayal and trust (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 3- How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish People? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: DT & English)
RE in Year 2- Why does Easter matter to Christians? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Science, Music, Art & English)
RE in Year 1- What do Christians believe God is like? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Reception- Why is Easter special to Christians? & Mother’s Day (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Expressive Arts and Design & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Ideas about God (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, Music & English)
RE in Year 5- Jesus the Teacher (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 4- Jesus the Son of God: How did Jesus show his power and authority? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English & PSHE & C)
RE in Year 3- How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Geography, Art & DT)
RE in Year 2- Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Part 2 (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Geography)
RE in Year 1- Who is Jewish and how do they live? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, Geography & English)
RE in Reception- Why is the word God special to Christians? (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Expressive Arts and Design & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Pilgrimage and How do Christians prepare for Christmas? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Geography)
RE in Year 5- Christmas: The Gospels of Matthew and Luke (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: British Values, English & PSHE &C)
RE in Year 4- Christmas: Exploring the Symbolism of Light (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular: English & PSHE &C)
RE in Year 3- Why is it like for someone to follow God? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: British Values, PSHE , Art & English)
RE in Year 2- Why is Christmas important to Christians? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 1- Why does Christmas matters to Christians? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, English, PSHE & DT)
RE in Reception- Why do Christians perform Nativities at Christmas? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Life as a journey & Pilgrimage (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, English, Art & Geography)
RE in Year 5- Prayer (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 4- God, David and the Psalms (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & C, History and English)
RE in Year 3- What do Christians learn from the Creation Story? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Year 2- Who is a Muslim and how do they live? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: PSHE & C)
RE in Year 1- What does it mean to be part of a faith community? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & History)
RE in Reception- Being Special- Where do we belong? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Writing & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- People of Faith (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, English & History)
RE in Year 5- Pentecost (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English & History)
RE in Year 4- Prayer (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English, Art & DT)
RE in Year 3- Which rules should we follow? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English, & British Values)
RE in Year 1- Why is Baptism Special? (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Art & English)
RE in Reception- Special Places (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED & Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Ascension Day and Pentecost (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 5- Significant Women in the Bible (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: History)
RE in Year 4- Places of Worship around the World (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Geography)
RE in Year 2- Why is the Church an important place for Christians? (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Geography)
RE in Year 1- Joseph (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Reception- Special Friends (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing, Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Year 6-Easter (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 5- Easter: Victory (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 4- Easter: Betrayal (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & English)
RE in Year 3-Easter: Sadness & Joy (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: PSHE, English & Art)
RE in Year 2-Easter: Religious Symbols (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Art)
RE in Year 1-Easter: New Beginnings (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Science)
RE in Reception-Easter (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Reception-Stories Jesus Told (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Year 6-Ideas about God (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing and English)
RE in Year 5- Jesus the Teacher (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy, Computing and Art)
RE in Year 4- Christingle & Jesus, the Son of God (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: DT, Computing & Literacy)
RE in Year 3- Jesus the Man who changed lives (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Literacy, Computing, Science and Art)
RE in Year 2- Jesus, a Friend to Everyone (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Science, PSHE &C, Literacy and Art)
RE in Year 1- Jesus was Special (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Reception- Stories Jesus Heard (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, PSED, Physical and Literacy
RE in Year 6- Life as a Journey and How do Christians prepare for Christmas? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Geography)
RE in Year 5- Christmas: The Gospels of Matthew and Luke (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy & Computing)
RE in Year 4- Christmas: Exploring the symbolism of Light (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Literacy)
RE in Year 3- God with Us (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy & Art)
RE in Year 3- Called by God (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, Computing, History, British Values & Literacy)
RE in Year 2- Christmas: Why was the birth of Jesus such good news? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy & Drama)
RE in Year 1- Christmas: Why do we give and receive gifts? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy, PSED & British Values)
RE in Reception- Hanukkah (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Reception- Divali (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Reception- Special People: The Vicar is special-Why? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing & CLLD)
RE in Reception- Special People: Who is special to us? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Year 6- Life as a Journey (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, Literacy- Writing, Art & Geography)
RE in Year 5- The Bible (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy-Reading/Writing & Geography)
RE in Year 4- God, David and the Psalms (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & C, Art and Literacy-Writing)
RE in Year 3 - Harvest (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy- Writing, Art & Geography)
RE in Year 2- Why is the Bible such a special book? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, History, PSHE & C & English)
RE in Year 1- Harvest (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & C, DT & Geography)
RE in Reception- I am Special and Harvest (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, PSED, Communication & Language, Expressive Arts & Design and Understanding the World)
RE in Year 5- The Ascension and Pentecost (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: History, Reading & Writing)
RE in Year 4- Places of Worship (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Geography & History)
RE in Year 3- Rules of Other Faiths (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values & History)
RE in Year 2- The Church (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English- Writing)
RE in Year 1- Baptism (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: History & English- Writing)
RE in Reception-Special Places (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED & CLLD)
RE in Year 6- Ascension Day and Pentecost (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Art & English- Writing)
RE in Year 5- Significant Women in the Old Testament (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values & English- Writing)
RE in Year 4- Prayer (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English- Writing)
RE in Year 3- Rules (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, British Values, Art & English- Reading)
RE in Year 2- Pentecost (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Art)
RE in Year 1- Joseph (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English- Reading & Writing)
RE in Reception- Friendship: Ruth & Naomi (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Physical Development & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Reception- Friendship: The Rainbow Fish (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Physical Development & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Reception- Friendship: Jesus and his Special Friends (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Physical Development & Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Year 5- Easter: Why do Christians believe that Easter is a celebration of Victory? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English- Writing)
RE in Year 4- Easter: Trust & Betrayal (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English- Writing & Art)
RE in Year 3- Easter: The Sadness & Joy (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Art)
RE in Year 2- Easter: How do symbols help us to understand the story? (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art and Drama)
RE in Year 1- Easter: Celebrating New Life & New Beginnings (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Science & DT)
RE in Reception- Easter (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language & Literacy)
RE in Reception- Stories Jesus Told: The Lost Coin (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language & Literacy)
RE in Reception- Stories Jesus Told: The Lost Sheep (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language & Literacy)
RE in Reception- Stories Jesus Told: The Good Samaritan (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Communication & Language & Literacy)
RE in Year 6- All about God (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English, Art and Music)
RE in Year 5- Jesus the Man who changed lives (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
RE in Year 4- Authority (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English, History and Art)
RE in Year 3- Jesus the Man who changed lives (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE&C, Well-Being, English and Art)
RE in Year 2- Jesus, a friend to everyone (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & English)
RE in Year 1- Jesus was Special (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Writing: Sentence Structure)
RE in Reception- Stories Jesus Heard (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy & PSED)
RE in Year 6- Christmas: How Christians prepare for Christmas (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & Literacy)
RE in Year 5-Christmas around the World (Autumn Term 2)
Cross Curricular links: Literacy, British Values, History & Geography
RE in Year 4- Christmas: Exploring the Symbolism of Light (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art & PSHE&C)
RE in Year 4- Christingles (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy and DT)
RE in Year 3- Christmas: Called By God (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, Literacy and History)
RE in Year 2- Christmas: The Birth of Jesus (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: Literacy)
RE in Year 1- Christmas: Why do we give and receive gifts? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy, British Values & PSHE&C)
RE in Reception- Christmas (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: All curriculum areas)
RE in Reception- Other World Faiths: Hanukkah (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, PSED, Physical Development, Communication & Language, Literacy, Expressive Arts & Design and Understanding the World)
RE in Reception- Other World Faiths: Divali (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, PSED, Physical Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design)
RE in Reception- Special People (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, PSED, Communication & Language, Expressive Arts & Design and Understanding the World)
RE in Reception- The Vicar is special. Why? (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: PSED, Communication and Language and Understanding the World)
RE in Year 6- Life as a Journey (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: British Values, Literacy- Writing, Art & Geography)
RE in Year 5- The Bible: Referencing (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy-Reading/Writing & Geography)
RE in Year 4- God, David and the Psalms (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & C, Art and Literacy-Writing)
RE in Year 3 - Harvest (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Literacy- Writing, Art & Geography)
RE in Year 2- Why is the Bible such a special book? (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Art, History, PSHE & C & English)
RE in Year 1- God & Creation (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: DT & Geography)
RE in Year 1- Harvest (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & C, DT & Geography)