To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Geography at Christ Church CE Primary school, we follow the Oddizzi scheme of work. The scheme is mapped against the National Curriculum and is supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression.
This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and is sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Oddizzi ensures that children access a wide range of good quality resources each lesson. In key stage 2 the children have access to DIGIMAPS to support their maps skills and help to develop these skills further. Children are exposed to a variety of maps which progresses each year inline with the map skills progression document.
Geography is taught in half termly blocks throughout the year, so that children can achieve depth in their learning. Geography and history are alternated ensuring that our children received a well-rounded teaching of the humanities subjects and where possible we take the opportunity to create cross-curriculum links between the two. At the beginning of each topic, children are able to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to find out. For each topic the children are provided with a knowledge organiser that allows them to clearly identify what they will be learning about
over the coming weeks.
The Oddizzi scheme provides the children with a vocabulary-rich Geography curriculum. The vocabulary progresses through each topic in each year group, being built upon from reception through to Year 6. Key geographical vocabulary and language (such as, the name and location of continents, countries, capital cities and oceans) is revisited frequently to make learning memorable, relevant and easy to retrieve.
The local area is fully utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for children to visit our local area. For example, Year 2 complete a local area walk around the streets near to school and record the human and physical features they see. In Year 3, the children will again visit the local area and build upon the knowledge from Year 2 to create a map of the area. The curriculum is designed to build on the children’s prior learning and widen their knowledge of the world from their immediate surroundings and locality to countries in Europe and other continents.
The implementation of our curriculum ensures that when children leave Christ Church CE Primary School they have an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like. The impact of our Geography curriculum is measured in a variety of ways: questions during lesson time, marking children’s work on books, listening to child-led discussions, interviewing children across the school about their learning, book scrutiny and picture collages uploaded to seesaw.
By the end of Year 6, our children will:
- Have a growing knowledge of our world and their place in it.
- Have an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like.
- Have a wider vocabulary of geographical terms and vocabulary.
- Have an aspiration to discover more about the world.
- Be fluent in complex geographical enquiry and be able to apply questioning
Geography in Year 5 - The Rainforest (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 4 - Rivers (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular Link: Science)
Geography in Year 2 - Our Local Area (Spring Term 1)
Geography in Year 1 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: Computing & English)
Geography in Year 5 - Climate Zones (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross Curricular link: Maths)
Geography in Year 3 - Mountains (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross Curricular link: Science & Computing)
Geography in Year 5 - The United Kingdom (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: Writing)
Geography in Year 3 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: Maths)
Geography in Year 2 - Continents and Oceans (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 1 - Seasons (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: Writing and Maths)
Geography in Year 5 - South America and Rio (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: DT)
Geography in Year 4 - Europe (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English Writing)
Geography in Year 3 - The Local Area (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: Maths)
Geography in Year 2 - Mugarameno Village - Zambia (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: Art)
Geography in Year 1 - Hot and Cold Places (Spring Term 2)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 5 - Rainforests (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Maths)
Geography in Year 4 - Rivers (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English)
Geography in Year 2 - Our Local Are (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Maths)
Geography in Year 1 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 6 - South America (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross Curricular links: English & Computing)
Geography in Year 5 - Climate Zones (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross Curricular links: Maths, Computing & English)
Geography in Year 3 - Mountains (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 4 - The United Kingdom (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 3 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art)
Geography in Year 2 - Continents and Oceans (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art)
Geography in Year 1 - Weather and Seasons (Autumn Term 1)
Geography in Year 5 - Rio and South East Brazil (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art)
Geography in Year 4 - Europe (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 3 - The Local Area (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 2 - Africa (Summer Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art)
Geography in Year 1 - Hot and Cold Places (Spring Term 2)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 5 - Rainforests (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art/DT)
Geography in Year 4 - Rivers and Water (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 2 - Our Local Area (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 1 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross Curricular links: English and Art)
Geography in Year 5 - Climate Zones (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Science and Maths)
Geography in Year 3 - Mountains (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English and maths)
Geography in Year 4 - The United Kingdom (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Science and Maths)
Geography in Year 3 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Computing)
Geography in Year 2 - Continents and Oceans (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Computing)
Geography in Year 1 - Weather and Seasons (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Art)
Geography in Year 4 - Europe (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing and Maths)
Geography in Year 3 - Local Area (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Computing and Maths)
Geography in Reception - Our Local Area (Summer 2)
Geography in Year 6 - Local Area (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Computing)
Geography in Year 5 - Enough for Everyone (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 4 - Rivers (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Science)
Geography in Year 2 - Mugurameno Village, Zambia (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Reading)
Geography in Year 1 - Hot and Cold Places (Spring Term 2)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 5 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Reading, English and Maths)
Geography in Year 2 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Computing)
Geography in Year 1 - The United Kingdom (Spring Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Computing)
Geography in Year 6 - South America and the Amazon (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Reading, English and Maths)
Geography in Year 3 - Mountains (Autumn Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Maths)
Geography in Year 5 - Rainforests (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Science)
Geography in Year 4 - UK (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: English and Science)
Geography in Year 3 - Volcanoes and Mountains (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: English)
Geography in Year 2 - Continents and Oceans (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: PE and Art)
Geography in Year 1 - Weather and Seasons (Autumn Term 1)
(Cross-curricular link: Science)