Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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At Christ Church we follow Kapow Primary’s Art and Design scheme of work which is designed with five strands that run throughout. These are: 

  • Generating ideas 
  • Using sketchbooks 
  • Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour) 
  • Knowledge of artists 
  • Evaluating and analysing 


Units of lessons are sequential, allowing our children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. The formal elements, a key part of the national curriculum, are also woven throughout units. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows our children to revise and build on their previous learning. Units in each year group are organised into three core areas: 

  • Drawing 
  • Painting and mixed-media 
  • Sculpture and 3D 


These units fully scaffold and support essential and age appropriate, sequenced learning, and are flexible enough to allow purposeful experiences for our children which compliment the wider curriculum at Christ Church. Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded in the units of work, supporting our children in learning how to make their creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique to our children and personal. 

At Christ Church, Art lessons are always practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning. Adopting a sketchbook approach, our teachers encourage children to feel safe to experiment and take risks, without the fear of doing something “wrong”. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that Art lessons at Christ Church can be accessed and enjoyed by all children and opportunities to stretch our children’s learning are equally available when required by teachers. Knowledge organisers (provided by Kapow for each unit) support our children by providing a highly visual record of the key knowledge and techniques learned, encouraging recall of skills processes, key facts and vocabulary. 

Children at Christ Church benefit from Kapow’s ‘pupil videos’ which have been created by subject specialists and allow them to see art techniques modelled by experts. This helps us to ensure that the delivery of Art at Christ Church is of the highest quality. 

At Christ Church we celebrate effort, progress and achievement in art through displays, exhibitions and enrichment activities, such as trips out and competitions. 


Our curriculum is designed in such a way that our children are involved in the evaluation, dialogue and decision making about the quality of their outcomes and the improvements they need to make. By taking part in regular discussions and decision-making processes, our children at Christ Church will not only know facts and key information about art, but they will be able to talk confidently about their own learning journey, have higher metacognitive skills and have a growing understanding of how to improve.  

The impact of our scheme can be consistently monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Each lesson includes guidance to support our teachers in assessing children against the learning objectives. An assessment spreadsheet including the learning outcomes for children with secure understanding and those working at greater depth enables our teachers to keep records of summative assessments for each child. 

By the end of their time with us, we want our children to have learned, improved and embedded a range of artistic skills. They should have an awareness of a broad range of artists and craftspeople, and be able to consider and discuss the artworks they come across. We want our children to be confident to explore, experiment and take risks, placing value on the process and journey that they take, not just on the finished product. Most importantly, we want our children to have found and enjoyed a creative outlet – a means of self-expression and enjoyment. 


The expected impact  is that children will: 

  • Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences. 
  • Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. 
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language. 
  • Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art. 
  • Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for Art and design. 


An evidence record will be kept of the children’s experiences and progress in Art and design in the form of sketchbooks and photographs stored digitally. Using our progression of skills and knowledge document teachers are able to accurately assess the level of the children’s work. Attainment and progress is tracked in line with other areas of the curriculum at Christ Church. 

Art in Year 6- Painting & Mixed Media: Artist Study (Spring Term 1) 

(Cross-curricular link: English)

Art in Year 5- Painting & Mixed Media: Portraits (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 4- Painting & Mixed Media: Light and Dark (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Science)

Art in Year 2- Painting & Mixed Media: Life in Colour (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Maths)

Art in Year 5 - Drawing: I Need Space (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Science)

Art in Year 3 - Sculpture and 3D: Abstract Shape and Space (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: DT)

Art in Year 1 - Painting and Mixed Media: Colour Splash (Autumn Term 2)

Art in Year 6 - Drawing: Make My Voice Heard (Autumn Term 1)

Art in Year 4 - Drawing: Power Prints (Autumn Term 1)

Art in Year 3 - Drawing: Growing Artists (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 2 - Drawing: Tell a Story (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PATHS)

Art in Year 1 - Drawing: Make Your Mark (Autumn Term 1)

Art in Year 6 - Sculpture (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: DT)

Art in Year 4 - Collage & Textiles (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: DT)

Art in Year 3 - Digital Media (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Computing)

Art in Year 1 - Digital Media (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Computing)

Art in Year 5 - Digital Media (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: RE)

Art in Year 4 - Collage & Textiles (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 2 - Collage & Textiles (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 4 - Sculpture (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 2 - Sculpture (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: RE)

Art in Year 5 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 3 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 3 - Drawing (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 1 - Printing (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Maths)

Art in Reception Class - Autumn Art (Autumn Term 2)

Art in Year 6 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: RE)

Art in Year 5 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link:  History)

Art in Year 4 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: French)

Art in Year 2 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 1 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Maths & Music)

Art in Year 2 - Collage & Textiles (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 1 - Digital Media (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Maths, Computing & Geography)

Art in Year 5 - Digital Media (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Computing & RE)

Art in Year 6 - Sculpture (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PE)

Art in Year 5 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 3 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 3 - Drawing (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 1 - Printing (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Reception Class - Autumn Art (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Science)

Art in Year 6 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: RE)

Art in Year 5 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link:  History)

Art in Year 4 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: French)

Art in Year 2 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 1 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Ourselves)

Art in Reception Class - Making Magnets (Autumn Term 1)

Art in Reception Class - Elmer Day (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: English-Reading)

Art in Year 3 - Digital Media: Lowry (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: History & Computing) 

Art in Year 1 - Digital Media: Seaside (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Geography & Computing) 

Art in Year 2 - Collage & Textiles: African Art (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 6 - Sculptures (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Maths)

Art in Year 5 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

Art in Year 3 - Printing (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History) 

Art in Year 3 - Sketching Skills (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 1 - Printing (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Science) 

Art in Year 6 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: RE)

Art in Year 5 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

Art in Year 4 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: French)


Art in Year 2 - Painting (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)


Art in Year 1 - Drawing (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Science)

Art in Reception - Expressive Arts and Design: Elmer (Autumn Term 1)