Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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At Christ Church CE Primary School children have access to a high quality, sequential maths mastery curriculum following the Power Maths ‘White Rose Edition’ Scheme, that is both challenging and enjoyable and responds to the needs of the children. This provides teachers with a consistent small steps to teaching mathematics using multiple representations showing there are different ways you can solve a problem. The scheme is mapped against the National Curriculum to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum. It allows teachers to demonstrate thinking using a rich mathematical vocabulary. Children share their ideas, talking through their thinking, demonstrating their understanding of mathematical vocabulary as memory is a residue of thought.


Our Progression documents provide an overview of the development of concepts across the primary years. 

These allow subject leaders to have an overview of the progression of concepts over time and allow class teachers to know what children have learnt previously and how the learning continues subsequently.


Our Calculation policies outline in more detail which concepts and procedures / strategies will be introduced and then developed, following the CPA approach allowing teachers to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of every child.


Each year group has a one-hour daily Mathematics lesson which usually takes place in the morning. Children work both collaboratively and independently solving problems which require them to persevere and develop resilience. Teachers and TAs may have focus children in which they support and guide at some point during the lesson.  These children may be SEND children, border line in relation to age related expectations or more able children. To support learning further, each classroom displays a working wall containing pictorial representations, methods and useful vocabulary.


Children with additional needs are included in whole class lessons and teachers provide scaffolding and regular support as necessary. Pre-teach sessions may be used as an intervention to ensure that prior learning in consolidated and new learning introduced. For those children working outside of the year group curriculum, individual learning activities are planned to ensure their progress.


The children’s knowledge and understanding is assessed regularly using end of unit assessments and half termly assessments which highlight any misconceptions or gaps in learning so teacher’s are able to support children to overcome these. To support our maths lessons, additional fluency sessions are taught in Number Ninjas, where children can consolidate and develop fluency and pace by using formal written methods, recalling number facts and times tables. KS1 follow use the Mastery in Number programme to embed their number bonds. In KS2, a greater emphasis has been placed on the teaching of times tables in preparation for the statutory assessments for Y4. Children complete weekly times tables activities with the aim of beating their score each week. Times Tables Rockstars is used to reinforce this. 


As a school we are supported by the maths hub in our sustaining mastery group. This gives the maths lead and teachers access to regular CPD to ensure teachers have ensure good maths subject knowledge and pedagogical subject knowledge. Furthermore, we have carried out a number of in house CPD sessions based on the different elements of the mastery approach. Leaders monitor the provision of maths through learning walks in maths sessions, book and planning scrutiny and pupil voice, and the impact of this provision through the analysis of (i) end of year cohort data (end of KS1and 2 maths) and (ii) individual pupil attainment and progress throughout the year (on going assessments).


By the end of KS1 we expect the vast majority of our children to have developed confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value including working with numerals, words and the four operations.


By the end of Year 4 we expect the vast majority of our children to have:

  • Become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value.
  • Developed efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.
  • Developed their ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value.
  • Memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work.


By the end of Year 6, we expect the vast majority of our children to:

  • Be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • Have deep conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply mathematical knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, using their knowledge of relationships and generalisations, and justify using mathematical language.
  • Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.


Mathematics in Year 6: Measurement, Ratio, Algebra & Decimals (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Multiplication & Division and Perimeter & Length (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Time, Shape and Money (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 20 (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers 6-10, combining & comparing groups, length, weight and height (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Order of operations BIDMAS, Fractions & Converting Units - Metric (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Multiplication, Division & Fractions (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: All four operations & Area (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Addition using different representations (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Addition & Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Part Whole, Addition & Subtraction within 10 (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers to 5, Part-Whole models, 1 more/1 less, 3D shape & position (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Place value & the four operations (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Place value & rounding (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Representing 3-digit numbers & partitioning flexibly (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Numbers to 100 (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 10 (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers to 5 and Shape (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Preparing for Year 7 (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Angles, Perimeter and Area (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Time, Money, Geometry, Position and Statistics (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Fractions (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Measure (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Fractions & Money (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Geometry, Measure and Odd & Even numbers Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Geometry and Statistics (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions and Decimals (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Fractions and Decimals (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Division, Angles and Properties of Shapes

(Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Multiplication, Division and Fractions (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Number to 50, Measurement, Multiplication and Division (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Complex Patterns, Numbers to 20, Addition and Subtraction, Halving and Sharing (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Integers, Decimals, Fractions, Percentages, Area, Volume and Line Graphs (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions, Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Fractions, Area & Perimeter (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Multiplication (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Fractions, Ratio, Proportion, Scaled Drawings and Scaled Factors (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Addition & Subtraction within 20 (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Number bonds to 10, Subtraction, Part-Whole model and Making Patterns (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Fractions, Ratio, Proportion, Scaled Drawings and Scaled Factors (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions and Subtraction  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Multiplication, Division, Length and Perimeter  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Multiplication & Division  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Properties of Shapes  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 20  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers 6-10, Combining groups, Weight, Length and Height  (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Multiplication, Division & Fractions  (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Square and Cubed Numbers, Problem Solving & Times-tables Practise  (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & Area  (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Addition & Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Addition & Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Addition & Subtraction within 10 and 2D & 3D shapes (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Part-Whole Models, One More, One less, Position and Shape  (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Place Value, Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Place Value, Rounding, Roman Numerals, Addition & Subtraction  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Partitioning numbers to 1000, Rounding, Estimating on a number line and Addition & Subtraction (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Representing 3-digit numbers, comparing numbers & finding 1, 10, 100 more/less  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Numbers to 100  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 10 & Part Whole within 10  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception : Numbers to 5, Comparing sets & 2D shapes  (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Budgeting  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Money & Angles  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Decimals, Geometry & Problem Solving (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Fractions  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Height & Length, Time, Estimating & mastering our times tables  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 100  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Shape, Capacity, Time & Odd and Even numbers  (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: SATs Revision  (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Shape, Lengths & Angles (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Fractions (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Dividing & Fractions  (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Multiplication, Division, Fractions & Measurement  (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Multiplication, Division, Fractions & Measurement  (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers to 20, Addition & Subtraction  (Summer Term 1)

in Year 6: Perimeters & Area (
Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Decimals, Percentages & Fractions (Spring Term 2)


Mathematics in Year 4: Area, Perimeter & Fractions (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Division (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 50, Length & Height (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Number bonds, Subtraction & Making Patterns (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Ratio, Proportion & Measurement (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Subtraction  & Fractions (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: 2D & 3D Shapes and Money (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 20, Addition & Subtraction (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Combining & Comparing Groups and measure (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Addition, Subtraction ,Multiplication & Fractions (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Addition, Subtraction, Area Multiplication & Division  (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Addition and Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Addition and Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Addition, Subtraction and Shape (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Number, Shape and Position (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Place Value, Multiplication & Division (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Time & Place Value of 3-Digit Numbers (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Numbers 100 (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers 10 & Part-Whole within 10 (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers 1-5 & 2D Shape (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Geometry, Measure and Decimals. (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Money (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Fractions & Place Value (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Measurement (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 100 (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year Reception: Capacity, Sorting, Shape & Time (Summer Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Statistics & Algebra (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Fractions & Decimals (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Fractions (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Preparation for SATS (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Multiplication & Division (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year Reception: Numbers to 20, Addition & Subtraction, Doubling & Halving (Summer Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Preparation for SATS (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Fractions (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Fractions (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Dividing & Money (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Length, Height & Fractions (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 50 (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Number bonds to 10, Subtraction & Making Patterns (Spring Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Preparation for SATS (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Multiplication & Division and Fractions (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Multiplication & Division with Sticky Learning (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Multiplication & Division (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Multiplication & Division and Statistics (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Addition & Subtraction within 20 (Spring Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 6: Fractions (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 5: Addition & Subtraction, Graphs & Tables and Multiplication & Division (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 4: Addition & Subtraction with Sticky Learning (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 3: Addition & Subtraction (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 2: Addition, Subtraction & Money (Autumn 2)

Mathematics in Year 1: Addition & Subtraction, Shape & Place-Value to 20 (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Reception: Comparing Numbers and Shape (Autumn Term 2)

Mathematics in Year 6: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 5: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 4: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 3: Place Value (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 2: Numbers to 100 and Addition and Subtraction (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Year 1: Numbers to 10 & Part-Whole (Autumn Term 1)

Mathematics in Reception: Numbers 1-5 (Autumn Term 1)