Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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 Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report

This report was completed and updated in collaboration with parents/carers and children over the course of the Summer Term 2023

At Christ Church we inspire all children to be happy and confident learners who achieve and grow together as one family.

What is a special education need or SEN?

As documented in the 2014 code of practice

  • A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision be made for him or her.
  • A child of compulsory school age or young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she; has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institution.  
  • For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools, maintained nursery schools, mainstream post-16 institutions or by relevant early years providers. For a child under two years of age, special educational provision means educational provision of any kind.


What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need?

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or well-being, speak to your child’s class teacher or Mr Southern (Pastoral Manager). If you want to discuss your concerns further please feel free to contact or email the following:

·       Mrs Clarke (KS1 Inclusion Manager)

·       Mrs Monaghan (KS2 Inclusion Manager)

·       Mrs Gornall (Deputy Headteacher)

·       Mrs Hill (Headteacher)

·       Mrs Pitt (SEND Governor)

How do we know if children need extra help in school?

Assessments are carried out on a regular basis with all children and we use the information gathered to measure progress and plan the relevant next steps for the children. Each child’s progress is discussed termly by the Head, Deputy Headteacher, Inclusion Managers and class teacher.

If our assessments, tracking and monitoring systems show us that a child may have an additional learning need, a plan of action will be implemented depending on the individual needs and circumstances of the child. Parents voicing a concern may highlight a particular need and this will be discussed and investigated within school. Any concerns from early years settings attended prior to joining Christ Church will be investigated and monitored and appropriately actioned.

Our links with the Early Years Inclusion Team and other settings enable us to liaise regarding children who may transfer with SEND from nursery provision. Other relevant documentation (via the Speech and Language Therapy Departments, Educational Psychologists, Paediatricians etc.) may also aid early identification prior to school entry. The records of children transferring from other Primary Schools will be carefully checked to aid identification and discussions will take place with the child’s class teacher and parents. We have a graduated approach in the way in which we respond, support and care for our children with additional needs, including; monitoring, class support, school support and Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Please see SEND Policy for our Graduated Approach Table.

How will the staff at Christ Church support my child?

Once a child has been identified the Inclusion Managers will meet with the class teacher to assess the support necessary. Christ Church invests in talented and caring teachers who are supported by qualified teaching assistants, that work together to meet each child’s individual learning needs. The class teacher with the support of the Inclusion Managers are responsible for providing interventions and targeting support, monitoring its quality and evaluating its impact.


To ensure children and their families are supported, Christ Church will:

• Gain children’s views, listen to their feelings, opinions and ideas and help them achieve their goals.

• Meet with parents to ensure they are regularly updated on progress, share their views and are involved in decision making.

• Ensure that individuals and groups are identified in planning (where necessary) through differentiation of learning challenges and tasks. Support may be provided by the teacher, in class, working in small groups or individually according to their needs. 

• Develop School Support Plans or Behaviour Support Plans (BSP) which will be written and discussed with parents. 

• Ensure targets are reviewed half termly, teachers will consider intervention / support strategies and groupings for these pupils and make necessary changes.

• Seek advice from support services to provide specialist assessment and advise teachers on setting targets for learning, learning strategies, and resources.

• Ensure that teachers and class teaching assistants (TA) will be fully trained to support any additional needs a child may have.

• In some cases, enable children to work with Specialist Teachers, TAs or Health Care Professionals.

How will Christ Church ensure the curriculum is matched to my child’s needs?

We provide a curriculum that inspires, achieves and meets the needs of all children through quality first teaching.

To ensure the curriculum meets the child’s needs, we will: 

  • Provide provision that is differentiated to ensure all children progress.                                                                                   
  • When necessary, ensure additional support be provided to help children access all learning opportunities.                               
  • Provide ‘School Support Plans’ which target children's needs in small measurable steps. (Smart Targets)                      
  • Seek expertise from outside/external agencies in order to better match the curriculum to the child’s needs. 


How will Christ Church know how well my child is doing and how will I be kept informed? How will Christ Church support me to help my child’s learning and development?

Parents are the most important part of any child’s learning journey therefore we strive to ensure where possible parent’s wishes are met. School will always seek their feelings and perspectives on their child’s development - parents are very highly regarded and valued.

Our ‘open door’ policy and use of the ‘Seesaw app’ ensures our parents/carers are always welcome each school day to discuss their child. We encourage active partnerships through on-going dialogue and excellent teamwork between school and parents.


To ensure parents are well informed, Church Christ will:

  • Inform parents when they first identify that a child has SEND and will explain the purpose of any intervention or programme of action.                                       
  • Expect parents to attend standard parents evenings, regular meetings with the class teacher to discuss and share School Support Plans and Behaviour Support Plans and any meetings with other agencies such as Educational Psychologists (EP), Targeted Education Support Service (TESS), Speech and Language (SALT) and Occupational Therapy (OT).                                                                                                                                                        
  • Ensure that parents understand procedures and have knowledge of their child’s entitlement within the SEND framework.          
  • Respects the differing needs of parents themselves such as a disability or communication barriers.                                         

Parents are expected to reciprocate and communicate regularly with the school, alerting us to any concerns they have about their child’s learning or provision.

What support will Christ Church provide for my child’s overall well-being?

The well-being of any child at Christ Church is paramount and the highest of priorities of all staff. Our whole school ethos is one where everybody is valued, respected and cared for. We have a highly experienced Pastoral Manager (Mr. Southern) with a wealth of experience and expertise in supporting children, who offers emotional support for both children and their families. 

The Pastoral Manager (Mr. Southern) oversees the implementation of detailed Health Care Plans in consultation with parents/carers for any children requiring medical assistance. These plans are shared with all staff who are involved with the child.  Medical practitioners will come into school to train relevant members of staff. Where necessary, and in agreement with parents/carers medicines are administered in school, but only where a medical consent form is in place to ensure the safety of the child and protect the member of staff.  There are trained First Aiders in school at all times. The school recognises that children at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including trips and physical education. Some children with medical conditions maybe disabled and where this is the case, the school complies with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.

The school offers a variety of pastoral support for children who are experiencing emotional difficulties. All members of staff are readily available in the first instance should any child wish to discuss issues or concerns and all staff have received relevant training.  The Pastoral Manager works closely with the class teachers and Inclusion Managers to develop a programme of nurture sessions for children who may need extra support. Access to nurture groups aims at creating positivity, confidence, team work, social skills and resilience. These include group and 1:1 catch up sessions. If necessary, children can also have a programme of 1:1 counselling with the school councillor (Carlos Samson/Wigan Family Welfare)

Children who have social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) have their needs met through individual plans, additional support, interventions and resources.  If these needs are an increasing concern, the school may ask for support from the Targeted Education Support Services Behaviour Team, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and Startwell. School will always ask families to be fully involved in these processes.  The school looks at each child individually to ensure their needs are met. Should a child require extra provision during unstructured times, such as playtimes and lunchtimes, this would be written into a separate Behaviour Plan.


To ensure children’s overall well-being is nurtured, Christ Church will: 

• Immerse children in an environment which oozes love, care and positivity.       

All classrooms have 'Safe Spaces' and Well-being resources.

• Provide access to nurture groups aimed at creating positivity, confidence and well-being or similar sessions which develop areas of specific personal, social or emotional need.

• Be supported through the use of social stories and our ‘Heartsmart’ scheme of work to support changes in their lives.

• Provide access to lunch times support for those children who need additional care with behaviour.

• Have ‘Health Care Plans’ with detailed information which are prepared by school in partnership with parents/carers to ensure all staff are aware of any medical needs and what actions must be taken to ensure a child’s well-being.

• Administer Medicines if prescribed by a doctor and a letter of authorisation is completed by the parent.

• Provide care by staff at Christ Church, which hold a current Paediatric First Aid certificate.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed at school?

The school works in co-operation with Support Agencies in making provision for children with SEND. Many children have a range of difficulties that require a concerted approach from the school. The school works with the following agencies to provide a high quality integrated service.

• Targeted Education School Support Team (TESS)

• Child Protection Advisors

• Educational Psychologists

• CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

• Start Well Service

• Visual Impairment and Sensory Team

• Social Care

• Speech and Language Therapist

• Occupational Health Team

• Physiotherapy

• Bridgewater Health Service (Pediatricians)

• School Nurse

• EMAS Team (Ethnic Minority Achievement Service)

• Early Years Inclusion Team

What training do the staff who support children with SEND access?

The staff at Christ Church are continually updating training through different courses, Staff Meetings and bespoke training. This ensures that staff are proficient in all relevant knowledge and skills to support all children in school.  Training includes

Dyslexia Friendly Schools.  The school has the Dyslexia Friendly Award.

• How to support children with Social, Emotional and Communication Difficulties.

• How to support children with poor working memory.

• How to support children with Diabetes.

• Emotional Regulation training.

The Inclusion Managers keep abreast of all national and local policy, research and literature. Staff are informed of any national changes to SEND provision through regular meetings and informal professional dialogue. Training needs of staff are planned in relation to the implementation of the performance management framework and whole school priorities associated with SEND.

In addition to this the school has regular visits from TESS, who provide advice to staff to support the success and progress of individual children.  The NHS Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists visit to assess and plan support specific children.  These targeted programmes are then delivered by Teaching Assistants with the support of the class teacher.


How accessible is the school environment?

Our school prides itself as being fully inclusive and caters for all medical needs. Our school is accessible to anyone with physical needs, including wheelchair access.

Facilities at present include:

• School on one level.

• Ramp at the office, KS1 and KS2 entrances into school to make the building accessible to all.

• Children’s disabled toilet and medical room with shower. The medical room is also used to enable a safe place for insulin testing and injections.

• Ethnic Minority Advisory Support team (EMAS) offer guidance and help communicate with families who English is not their first language.   

We also have Nurture groups to improve inclusion for Vulnerable children and support their social, emotional and mental health needs. All classrooms have Well-being areas to support children, these include: 

• Worry Monsters

• Reflection 'Safe' Spaces

Our Accessibility Plan describes the actions the school has taken to increase access to the physical environment. This is available via the school website. (Equality act 2010). We are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Specific health and medical requirements will be discussed on an individual basis. Parents are welsome to enquire or visit to discuss any concerns.

How will the school prepare my child for joining the school and transferring to a new school?


Christ Church C.E. School is a Voluntary Aided School. The Governors are responsible for admissions. The standard number agreed with the Local Authority for admissions to the Reception class is 30.

When applications are received children with an (EYAR) which names the school will be given priority.

In the event of oversubscription the following criteria will then be applied:

  • Looked after children and previously looked after children.
  • Children who appear to the Local Authority to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care because they were adopted.
  • Children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.
  • Children of families (i.e. parents, grandparents & other family members) who are active worshipping members of Christ Church Pennington.
  • Children of families (as above) who are active worshipping members of another Christian Church and who live within the ecclesiastical parish of Christ Church Pennington.
  • Children who have a particular medical or social need which, when proven, are supported by evidence that indicates that their needs can only be met at this school.
  • Other children who live within the parish .
  • Children of families (i.e. parents, grandparents & other family members) who are actively worshipping members of another Christian Church and who do not live within the parish boundaries.
  • Other children who do not live within the parish boundaries.


Before entry into Christ Church’s Reception class all information will be gathered regarding any Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) so that the necessary support can be planned for. Meetings will be arranged for those children who are already known to the Early Years SEND Team to ensure a smooth transition into school and that the correct support and provision is in place.


On entering our Reception Class:

  • The Reception teacher/Deputy Headteacher (Mrs. C. Gornall) makes home visits and liaises with the relevant nursery/pre-school of any child that has been highlighted to school as having additional needs or have an EYAR (Early Years Additional Resources)
  • We will seek the views of key workers and parents on how the transition can be smooth and the necessary provision which needs to be provided when the child starts school.


Transfer to the next class:

For children who find change a challenge, we also organise transition sessions at the end of an academic year in preparation for a change of teacher and classroom. All children in school have a ‘Move Up Afternoon’ when they meet their new class teacher. We also have ‘Meet the Teacher’ where parents and carers can come and meet their child’s next class teacher. If a child was to transfer to another school before they leave in Year 6 , information about their educational needs is always shared with the receiving school and records passed on following GDPR guidelines.


Transfer to High School:

  • The KS2 Inclusion Manager, Pastoral Manager and Year 6 class teacher will meet with the receiving school.
  • Arrange visits to school from receiving teacher, if needed.
  • Arrange visits to the receiving school if beneficial.
  • Provide all SEND information in line with the GDPR guidelines to the SENCO at the receiving school.
  • Additional meetings are arranged if needed along with extra transition visits. Extra meetings are also arranged for those children who are currently on an Early Help or have an Education and Health Care Plan.


To read our school’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) policy click here. Alternatively you can request a copy from the school office. 

This Information report will be reviewed again in July 2025.


Governor's Send Report 2024


Below is a link to Wigan Council’s Local Offer.

Wigan Council SEND Local Offer