Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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Physical Education- Lessons         

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To implement our PE curriculum, teachers use the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work, with their progression across strands, skills progression and progression of knowledge documents forming the foundation for our curriculum. This scheme provides in-depth planning, clear visuals for lessons and games and videos for key skills to support teaching and learning. Skills are broken down into manageable chunks and early skills are linked to games and sports to help children to understand why they are learning them and how they can be applied. There is also a focus on developing tactics and a constant thread of Social, Emotional and Thinking (SET) which runs throughout every unit. This sits very well with our whole school approach to emotional awareness. Care is taken to ensure later objectives align with earlier skills and progression ladders used to support those learners who may need more time to master earlier objectives. All units are aligned with the National Curriculum and each area is progressive within and across strands. However, our teachers do have the flexibility to adapt the plans based on the specific needs and skill levels of our students and space available and reflect this in their assessments.

Key skills are developed across the year groups, providing children firstly with balance, co-ordination and agility skills before introducing game and more complex skills. In early years and Key Stage 1, the curriculum focuses on developing Fundamental Movement Skills and begins to introduce the earliest concepts of attacking and defending. Children in LKS2 progress to more sport-specific activities, with lots of opportunities to secure any gaps in skills. In UKS2, children continue developing their sport-specific skills with the addition of more complex game play and tactics. Specific sports are chosen to support our aim that children will be able to access local sports that inspire them and in response to pupil voice. The progressive nature of the scheme means that sports can be swapped in and out in response to changing pupil voice, and the over arching objectives with, for example ‘games’, still hold true. Our curriculum map is also guided by inter-school tournaments and School Games events as this gives them the best chance to achieve success and positive experiences within sports. Within individual lessons, teachers will firstly activate prior knowledge, before linking this to the new and next learning objective.

Through our after-school clubs, children are able to explore a wider range of sports to complement their curriculum offer. To meet our aim of developing all children’s physical literacy, some children are invited to attend clubs designed specifically to build confidence, competence and motivation.

Working closely with School Games, teaching and learning at Christ Church has a clear focus on the importance of sporting values, balancing competitiveness with honesty, fairness, resilience and respect. Values are celebrated often and are central to our PE curriculum; we believe that it is through these values that all children can succeed in PE and sports, now and in the future.

We encourage children of all abilities to enjoy being active. Sports Ambassadors work alongside our school Health Champion, our School Games Officer and Premier Sports to create as many opportunities as possible to become physically confident individuals from early years through to Year 6. They also provide a pupil voice to guide lunchtime and after school clubs as well as creating an inclusive school sports day each year that meets the children’s needs.

Within school, we also use PE and school sports to build community links. Inter-school competitions and leagues develop a sense of pride in representing our school whilst carefully selected School Games events mean there is an opportunity for all. We try to promote local sport wherever possible, using links to bring local heroes into school to inspire and enthuse.


The impact of our PE curriculum is measured by ongoing assessment which identifies any particular areas a cohort may have excelled at or may need further development on, as well as any necessary information for further units to be adjusted. Professional dialogue between staff and subject leaders helps to continually refine and develop our curriculum for greater impact. By the end of primary school, children are equipped with physical and personal skills needed for them to successfully access sports and activity in secondary school.

Children’s activity levels are tracked to ensure that we select the right children to access intervention or additional opportunities to be physically active. Our whole school approach to physical activity and school sport ensures that as many children as possible have the opportunity to represent their school, either competitively through the local school cluster, or within School Games as an appropriate level event. Sports stars are chosen per half term based on the half termly sporting value and all achievements, both in and out of school are celebrated. As a sign of our commitment to promoting physical activity across school, we have achieved the Gold School Games Award since 2022 and we aspire to achieve Platinum by 2026 as we remain committed to growing children’s sense of challenge, competency and collaboration and leadership.

PE in Reception - Introduction to PE (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Bikeability in Reception (Autumn Term 1)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Fundamentals (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Fundamentals (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 3 - Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 3 - Ball Skills (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Fundamentals (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Ball Skills (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Dance (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Music)

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Year 5 Intra Competition & Team Based Games (Autumn Term 1) - Whole Child Objectives 

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Tennis (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 6 - Dance (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Music)

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Outdoor PE in Year 6 - Basketball (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Music)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Kickstarterz Ball Skills (Summer Term 2)
(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Kickstarterz Ball Skills (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Bat & Ball (Cricket Focus) (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games; Football (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Strike & Field (Cricket) (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 3 - Strike & Field (Cricket) (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Disco Dance (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links; PSHE & Music)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Strike & Field (Cricket) (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 6 - Handball (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links; PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 6 - Strike & Field (Cricket) (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Athletics; The Olympics (Summer Term 1)
(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Invasion Games (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Running & Jumping (incl. Athletics) (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Cheerleading & Themed Dance (Summer Term1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Geography)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 3 - (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Circuits (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Science)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Science)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Circuits (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Science)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 6 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

 (Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Fundamental Movement Skills; Gymnastics - Gym in the Jungle (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Outdoor Play In EYFS - Developing Fundamental Movement Skills (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics; Movement skills (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Literacy)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Attack & Defend (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics; Movement (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 3 - Gymnastics: Movement (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 3 - Dodgeball (developing skills) (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics; Movement (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Outdoor Adventurous Activities (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PHSE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Gymnastics: Shape & Balance (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Tennis (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 6 - Gymnastics: Shape & Balance (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Fundamental Movement Skills; Best of Balls (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Dance; Cheerleading (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Mathematics & Music)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Games: Attack & Defend (Spring Term 1)

(Cross- curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Freestyle Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Target Games (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 3 - Hip Hop Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 3 - Outdoor Adventurous Activites (Spring Term 1)

(Cross- curricular links: PSHE, Maths & Geography)

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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Pom Pom Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Invasion Games; Football (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Street Jazz (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Invasion Games; Basketball (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 6 - Freestyle Street Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link:  PSHE)

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Competitive Games in Year 6 (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE Enrichment - Reel Education (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Themed Dance (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular links: Communication & Language, Literacy, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Fundamental Movement Skills (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Throwing & Catching (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Throwing & Catching (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 3 - Dodgeball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 3 - Outdoor Adventurous Activities (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 4 - Hockey Skills (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Invasion Games (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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 Indoor PE in Year 5 - Dodgeball Variations (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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 Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Invasion Games (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 6 - Invasion Games; Competitive (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 6 - Invasion - Basketball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Gymnastics - Rock and Roll (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross curricular links: Communication & Language, Literacy, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Bikeability in Reception

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED)

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Indoor PE in Year 1-  Gymnastics; Movement (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link- PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 (Net & Wall) - Bat & Ball (Tennis focus) (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics; Movement (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 2 (Net & Wall) - Bat & Ball (Tennis focus) (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 3 - Gymnastics; Movement (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 3 (Games)- Principles of Invasion Games (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links - PSHE)

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 Indoor PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics; Movement (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 4 (Net & Wall) - Bat & Ball (Tennis focus) (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 5 - Gymnastics; Movement (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - (Games) - Invasion Games; Hockey (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

Indoor PE in Year 6 - Gymnastics; Movement (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 6 (Net & Wall) - Tennis (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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PE in Reception - Nursery Rhyme Dance (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, Literacy, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & English)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Sports Day Events (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Be Well Be Great Programme (Summer Term 1) 

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Science)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games (Specific Skills) and Gymnastics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Geography)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 3 - Be Well Be Great Programme (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Science)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 4 - Dance (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Science & PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PHSE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

 Indoor PE in Year 5 - Circuits (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

 Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 6 - Tchoukball (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PHSE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

 PE in Reception - Gym in the Jungle (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 1 - Dance: The Seasons (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Science & Geography)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Geography)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 3 - Invasion Games: Football (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics: Movement (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Invasion Games: Tag Rugby (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Rhythmic Gymnastics (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Net & Wall Games: Tennis (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 6 - Invasion Games: Developing Skills (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Best of Balls (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design)

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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Fundamental Movement Skills (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Throwing & Catching (Spring Term 1)

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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Dance: Plants (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Science & PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Animal Olympics (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Science, Geography & PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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PE in Year 3 - Invasion Games (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Dodgeball (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 4 - (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 5 - Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Netball (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 6 - Tag Rugby (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Themed Dance (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, PSED, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design, RE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics; Movement (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Strike & Field Skills; Bat & Ball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 2 - Dance; Toys (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: History & PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Strike & Field skills; Bat & Ball (Autumn 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 3 - Gymnastics; movement (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 4 - Dance: The Romans (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & History)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 4 - OOA (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Dodgeball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE) 

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Striking & Fielding (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 6 - Dodgeball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PHSE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 6 - Handball (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Healthy Lifestyles (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, Personal & Social Development, Understanding the World, Physical Development).

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Jumping Jacks & Rock and Roll (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Expressive Art and Design)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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PE in Year 1 - Healthy Lifestyles (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE, Science, Design & Technology)

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Outdoor PE in Year 1 - Running & Jumping (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 2 - Under the Sea Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Science & PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Throwing & Catching (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 3 - Dance; Extreme Earth (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & Geography)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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Indoor PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 4 - Invasion Games (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Indoor PE in Year 5 - Gymnastics; Movement (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Outdoor PE in Year 5 - Invasion Games (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 6 - Gymnastics (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 6 - Basketball (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - The Olympics & End of Year PD Activities (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language & Personal & Social Development)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Attacking & Defending (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 2 - Attacking & Defending (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 3 - Strike & Field (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 4 - Outdoor Adventurous Activities (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 5 - Handball (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 5 - Cricket (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 6 - Applying skills to Competitive Games (Summer Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Dance Til You Drop (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, Personal & Social Development, Literacy,& Expressive Arts and Design

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics: Traditional Tales (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: English)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Multi-Skills for Sports Day (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 2 - Animal Olympics (Summer Term 1)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 3 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE )

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 4 - Athletics (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 5 - Competitive Games (Summer Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Gym in the Jungle (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication & Language, Personal & Social Development, Literacy)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 1 - Themed Dance (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: RE, Science & History)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 1- Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Indoor PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics: Landscapes and Cityscapes (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: Geography)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

Outdoor PE in Year 2 - Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 3 Gymnastics & Invasion Games (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...
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PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics: Movement (Spring Term 2)

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PE in Year 5 - Historical Dance (Spring Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: History)

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PE in Year 6-Gymnastics: Movement (Spring Term 2)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Reception - Best of Balls (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Communication and Language & Personal & Social Development)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Fundamental Movement Skills (Spring Term 1)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 Throwing & Catching (Spring Term 1)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 2 - Themed Dance (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Science & English)

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PE in Year 2 - Running & Jumping (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 3 - Gymnastics (Spring Term 1)

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PE in Year 4 - Dodgeball (Spring Term 1)

(Cross- curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 5 - Gymnastics (Spring Term 1)

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PE in Year 6 - Dodgeball (Spring Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Reception - Themed Dance (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: Understanding the World, Personal & Social, Communication and Language & Expressive Arts and Design)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Dance: (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 1 - Bat & Ball Skills (Autumn Term 2)

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PE in Year 2 - Dance: Toys (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular links: PSHE & History)

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PE in Year 2: Bat & Ball Skills (Autumn Term 2)

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PE in Year 3 - Invasion Games (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 4 - Hockey (Autumn Term 2)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE)

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PE in Year 5 - Gymnastics: Movement (Autumn Term 2)

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PE in Year 6 - Tennis (Autumn Term 2)

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PE in Year 6 - Dance (Autumn Term 2)

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PE in Reception - Gymnastics: Rocking and Rolling (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross Curricular Links- Personal & Social and Communication & Language Development)

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Please wait. It may take a little longer to load images...

PE in Year 1 - Multi-skills: Running and Jumping (Autumn Term 1)

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PE in Year 1 - Gymnastics: Animals (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross- curricular link: Science)

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PE in Year 2 - Multi Skills: Throwing and Catching (Autumn Term 1)

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PE in Year 2 - Gymnastics: Under the Sea (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: Science)

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PE in Year 3 - Dance: In the Hall of the Mountain King (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Music and Geography)

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PE in Year 4 - Gymnastics: Shape (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: Music & PSHE&C)

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PE in Year 5 - Dance: The Haka (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular links: History & Music)

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PE in Year 6 - Invasion Games Skills & Basketball (Autumn Term 1)

(Cross-curricular link: PSHE&C)

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